Fly Rod Companies Are Going “Classic” For Good Reason

Fly Rod Companies Are Going “Classic” For Good Reason
Last week, Sage announced that a new fly rod series, dubbed “CLASSIC R8,” will be launched in early February. (We’ll do a full review of the fly rod as soon as we get our hands on one.)
But we do like what we’re hearing by way of the rationale behind the fly rod design. “Fish Slow, Feel More” is the mantra. “Over time, the desire to catch many or large fish shifts toward fishing with intention–on one’s own terms–leading to a slower, more thoughtful approach,” says Sage.
Well, yeah. That’s a very polite way of saying, “After they’ve caught a handful of trout by slinging lead and hucking bobbers, many anglers find that technique rather boring, and decide to take the training wheels off, learn how to properly fly cast and go fly fishing.”
Welcome to the long overdue, much needed rebirth of dry fly angling. (R.L. Winston, Scott Fly Rods and Epic Fly Rods have been there for years…)
The industry is finally waking up to realize that prioritizing “how” you catch fish over “how many” (the fish clicker crew) can be a conservation movement unto itself. It’s also the key to long-term resource sustainability.
And by the way, it’s more fun.
So, now we have a new slower-action Sage, PURE 2 from R.L. Winston and the ultra-accurate Helios from Orvis. Scott has launched their 50th Anniversary Edition Fly Rods with classic action and others will follow suit, if they haven’t already.
And I think that’s all good for another reason as well.
Now that we’ve blown through the mystical $1,000 fly rod barrier, you have to wonder if we’ve hit a consumer price ceiling. I’m sure technologies exist that could lead to shaving another quarter-ounce off fly rod weight, and there are still ways to make rods “track” and “recover” better than ever before.
But are you going to pay $1,500 for that? Especially after you realize that blinking your eyes, or a light puff of wind, or the quality and condition of your fly line, or (try this) your actual casting stroke–matter as much or more than the fancy stuff used to build any fly rod.
I’m not. And many consumers are ready to get off the hype train also.
Whatever the reasons, I think getting back to the basics and prioritizing “fishing” over “catching” is key to the future of the sport, and I think that’s something all of us–especially fly shops and guides–should welcome with open arms.
From Sage: “A fly rod is made great by its ability to match the angler’s intentions and enhance their feel of the experience. For those choosing to slow down their approach to the water, acute environmental observations become more and more apparent. Not only does this enhance the overall experience through a deeper connection to the venue, but often leads to greater success…”