How to Remove a Fish Hook

How to Remove a Fish Hook
If you fish long enough, you’re bound to get hooked.
Clearly, I must have fished long enough, because I’ve done it a number of times, and not always to myself. Once, I put a streamer in my wife’s neck. I won’t bother sharing the details of that story, however…
Not only does this video (and oldie, but goodie) tell us how to “remove a fish hook without a trip to the doctor,” but it actually shows a guy sticking himself in the leg with a barbed #2 hook and shooting the whole process at 1500 frames a second (super slow-mo video). As he says, “you won’t miss a thing.”
Trigger Warning: If you have an aversion to blood, or sharp objects being stuck into living flesh, I recommend not watching.
Otherwise, enjoy the show and learn something useful about hook removal and being prepared on the water.