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My Starting Fly Lineup Now

The twelve flies I have in my box now, no matter where I am in the world.
Kirk Deeter author.
Kirk Deeter
March 3, 2024
Brown trout with Parachute Adams

My Starting Fly Lineup Now

I absolutely believe that a fly angler can make a lifetime of memories by fishing ten patterns well, and ten years ago, when Charlie Meyers and I published The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing, we tossed out ten staple patterns. I still believe in those patterns with all my heart. But now, ten years later, with over one million miles traveled, I’d refine that list just a tad. The twelve flies I have in my box now, no matter where I am in the world (to fish trout), are:

There are a zillion other cool bugs, and great variations, to be sure. But trust me, you can travel the world, fish in any local season and catch fish anywhere if you carry these patterns in your box. I’ve been traveling and fishing for decades, and these are the patterns that have caught me the most fish, throughout the world.

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