Redington Limited Edition “Miami Vice” Fly Rods

Redington Limited Edition “Miami Vice” Fly Rods
The late, great American actor and social commentator Will Rogers said, “I never met a man I didn’t like.”
I wouldn’t go that far, but I have said that I’ve never met a fly rod I didn’t like. And I’m on record having also said that I don’t care if a rod is purple with pink polka dots; if I like how it casts, I’ll fish it.
However, having seen the new “Miami” version of the “Vice” fly rod from Redington (Miami… Vice… get it?), I take all that back.
I think this might be the ugliest fly rod I’ve ever seen in my life. While the coloration is supposed to represent the neon splendor of South Beach, to me, it looks more like the foamy goop that squirts on your windshield at an automatic car wash. Or, harkening further back to my youth, the stuff Mr. Kopecky, the school janitor, would sprinkle on the puddle of puke after someone barfed in the cafeteria.
Even though the Redington Vice rod is a solid performer and all-around value for under $200 (Flylab is working on a comparison of lower-priced rods), this incarnation is more than an eyesore–it’s an abomination. I wouldn’t fish with it if you paid me to.
Which, I believe, is exactly the point.
And that’s why I take my hat off and give the team at Redington my most humble, honest kudos of the highest order.
Not that they need that from me, because they’ve already sold out of these rods in record time.
You see, the last thing the fly-fishing world needs today is a new whiz-bang fly rod that will help mostly old men “catch more fish.” Ugh.
I shared the press release and image of the Miami Vice rod with some younger angler friends, and this is what I heard:
“That’s the first time I’ve ever seen my daughter get excited about a fly rod.”
“It’s so weird looking, I kinda want one now.”
“That heinous fly rod makes me want to take up fly fishing, and I hate fishing...”
That, from the generations that likely have no inkling who Crockett and Tubbs were. Nor do they care. They just want to break the mold, be different, maybe buck tradition and authority a bit.
And I think that’s supremely healthy for fly fishing, especially right now.
It’s a bit like wearing white patent-leather high-heeled boots with zip-up sides with your black tuxedo to a sorority formal.
Not that I ever did anything like that myself…
From Redington: “The Vice Limited Edition Miami colorway features an industry first gradient design inspired by palm trees, warm beaches and drinks with little umbrellas...”