Seven Tips to Ensure Your Boat Shuttle Goes Smoothly

Seven Tips to Ensure Your Boat Shuttle Goes Smoothly
There’s plenty of ways to shuttle boats and vehicles, and I’ve probably done about 90-percent of them. My guess is that you have too. The regular old car-truck run, a state trooper’s back seat, municipal bus, Uber, a moped, dirt bike, electric bike, regular bike, horse, donkey. I’m kidding about the donkey...
Of all the shuttle types available, the driver-for-hire is probably the easiest, but most expensive. Over the years, I’ve learned a few tricks that can either make, or completely wreck, your day when shuttling a boat. Some of the tips below should be pretty obvious. Other tips, a little less obvious. But all of them have helped me one way or another.
1. Pre-tip. I know there’s huge disagreement on this, but why not ensure your driver is happy right when they get in your vehicle? This is a person you’ve never met. Driving your car, sometimes great distances. Make sure they are set up for success, i.e. phone numbers, key placement, any quirks with your vehicle.
2. Be clear and let the shuttle driver know if your vehicle is a standard, or automatic. It’s crazy, but more and more I’m finding shuttle services that claim they don’t have anyone who can drive a stick. This has burned me more than once.
3. Always bring an extra set of keys and keep them on your person. You never know what the shuttle driver is going to do with your other set. I’ve had to break a few windows to get back into my rig, and without a spare key, you’re kind of dead in the water.
4. Occasionally, I like to leave a pack of gum, or bag of candy, for the shuttle drive with a little note, in addition to my tip. It’s a nice gesture that goes a long way.
5. Triple check if you’ve left any lights on in the vehicle, or anywhere else, especially if you’re doing an overnight trip, or remote take-outs. A couple of years, ago I did a three-day float with my family on the Yampa River, and the take out was remote and desolate. When we got to the truck, it was dead. Luckily, there was one other party taking out and they jumped us, but if they weren’t there, we would’ve been in trouble. Also consider getting a gizmo like Uncharted Supply Co.’s Athena "battery jumper". It’s a compact, portable energy system that can jump start a car multiple times on one charge.
6. Get your gas tank completely full before dropping off your car. You never know what could happen before, during, or after your float.
7. Last, but not least, get recommendations on your shuttle service. They are not all created equal.